This article is about to create a folder using Visual basic editor. We often need to create folder on local machine and remote machine. In this article we create folder using customized function. Using built in function some time mkDir function not work for creating folder inside folder. Using this custom function we are able to create mkdir function which would create child folder inside parent one.
For implementation of this firstly we are creating a form and button as shown in Fig 1.1. Then on button click we are calling the mkDir function.
After coding on button click we have to open the path that we specify. You will found there is new folder is created as shown in Fig 1.2.
VBA Code
Option Compare Database Private Sub Command0_Click() MakeDir ("D:\Custom_Folder\New_Folder") End Sub Public Function MakeDir(ByVal STRPATH As String) As Boolean If Right(STRPATH, 1) = "\" Then STRPATH = Left(STRPATH, Len(STRPATH) - 1) End If Dim SPLITSTRPATH() As String SPLITSTRPATH = Split(STRPATH, "\") Dim VAR1 As Integer Dim MERGE As String For VAR1 = 0 To UBound(SPLITSTRPATH) If VAR1 <> 0 Then MERGE = MERGE & "\" End If MERGE = MERGE & SPLITSTRPATH(VAR1) If Dir(MERGE, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir MERGE End If Next MakeDir = True Exit Function End Function
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